HNC Legal Services

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HNC Legal Services


This course is ideal if you are interested in a career in law or want to progress to degree-level study. It is endorsed by the Law Society of Scotland and the Scottish Paralegal Association. During your course, you will have the opportunity to participate in visits to the law courts and meet a range of guest speakers. Previous guest speakers have been from The Faculty of Advocates and Police Scotland as well as several High Court judges and leading figures from the legal sector.

  • One Higher at C grade or above preferably English or other Social Subjects, e.g. History, Modern Studies, Geography and an appropriate grouping of National 5/Intermediate 2 and Higher Units.
  • or NQ Introduction to Law or similar. Applicants should normally have English at Level 5 or above.

Please note:

each applicant is considered on an individual basis, and:

  • previous work experience and prior learning will be taken into consideration.  
  • due to the high number of applications received, not all applicants who meet the minimum requirements can be selected for interview. Therefore, a well-written personal statement will be supportive in this process.



The following legal areas will be covered:

  • Scottish Legal System
  • Scots Private Law
  • Property Law
  • Commercial Law
  • Communication
  • Legal Research Techniques
  • Legal Services Graded Unit 1.

A range of optional law subjects will also be included in the course.

Where can I go from here?

Graduates of this course will be able to go directly into the following courses: