College procurement

The Procurement Strategy, as approved by the Senior Management Team, outlines the path for procurement activities within New College Lanarkshire (NCL). The Finance Department of NCL is tasked with the responsibility of facilitating and supporting the College in the following activities:

  • Ensuring compliance with procurement legislation;
  • Development Tendering Policies and Procedures;
  • Increasing the College’s utilisation of collaborative agreements and contracted spend;
  • Improving engagement with suppliers including SMEs.

The College is legally required to have and maintain a Procurement Strategy as part of the requirements for the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014, which provides a national legislative framework for sustainable public procurement that supports Scotland’s economic growth through improved procurement practice.

The strategy is subject to ongoing development and shall evolve in line with sectorial and national procurement initiatives. In parallel with publication of the Procurement Strategy, NCL is required to publish Annual Procurement Reports which summarises procurement activities carried out during the same period.

The Procurement Strategy covers the period from 1st August 2024 to 31st July 2025. The Annual Report summarises the activities that have been carried out in delivering NCL's Procurement Strategy. We are required to review our Procurement Strategy on an annual basis, prior to the commencement of our financial year, to ensure that it remains fit for purpose.

The Annual Report details the progress against the Strategy. Current Annual Report covers the period 1st August 2022 - 31st July 2023, with a new version expected December 2024.

NCL is committed to obtaining value for money in all of its procurement activities and ensuring that the procurement of goods, services and works adheres to the College’s Procurement Strategy and Financial Regulations.

If you have any questions regarding any element of Procurement within New College Lanarkshire, please contact the team.