We are one college with five campuses across three Council regions – North Lanarkshire, South Lanarkshire and East Dunbartonshire. We have an average yearly student count of 15,000 and employ over 1,000 staff members across our academic and professional service teams. We offer over 500 courses across 15 departments:
- Automotive Studies
- Institute for Science and Technology
- Music Industries and Performing Arts
- Humanities
- Dental, Health and Social Care
- Lanarkshire Business School
- Education and Counselling
- Construction, Trades and Technology
- Access and Progression
- Beauty, Aesthetics and Hair Design
- Computing and Digital Technologies
- Sport and Physical Activity
- Supported Learning
- Visual and Creative Arts
- Hospitality and Culinary Arts
We collaborate with employers and local businesses to make sure that we provide relevant, up-to- date courses that are of benefit to our students and our region.
We aim to enhance our students learning experiences and outcomes and to meet our aspirations as consistent with our Purpose, Mission, Values and Strategy 2025: -
Strategy 2025:
We advocate Social Justice, enable whole-person education and partner to release potential within or communities.
We bring Education Closer.
We are just; we give our all; we are kind; we are bold; we respect all; we give more than we take.
Key Strategic Themes
Strengthening the Curriculum Expanding our Educational Reach Partnering to Grow
Prioritising Resource Close to the Students Simplifying How We Work.
New College Lanarkshire (NCL) is reflective of its people, relationships & community. Inspired by accessibility, we are forward-thinking and outwardly focused on a range of initiatives driven by our purpose, mission and values. We reach out with students and our partners at the heart of everything we do.
NCL has an annual turnover in excess of c£56m and AMCOL (Scotland) Ltd has a turnover of c£4m, therefore this is above the threshold (£36m) for organisations required to publish a statement under the Act.
South Lanarkshire College
South Lanarkshire College (SLC) is an assigned College to the Lanarkshire Strategic Body and has an annual turnover of c£18m which, whilst not above the required threshold under section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, is included within this published statement for reasons of best-practice and that the Lanarkshire Regional Strategic Body to harmonise policies and procedures wherever possible.
SLC has around 5,000 students enrolled on a mix of full-time, part-time, day release and evening courses and deliver programmes on the Scottish Credit and Qualification Framework (SCQF) from levels 1 to 8.
The supply chain structure at both Colleges has 4 main categories of spend: Estates, ICT, Professional Services and Catering Services/Supplies.
Both Lanarkshire Colleges have signed up to the National Recognition & Procedures Agreement (NRPA) for both teaching and support staff. Pay and Terms & Conditions are negotiated at a national level between College Employers Scotland and the respective Trade Unions. Each College has two representatives who attend the general meetings of College Employers Scotland. Although not mandatory for colleges, Support Staff at a national level have agreed to consider the Public Sector Pay Policy which covers Salary and Terms & Conditions In addition, both Colleges have achieved Living Wage accreditation, which includes directly employed staff, outsourced contractors and the NCL subsidiary.