Coatbridge's Lisa is a Worldskills winner!

Lisa Devlin, who is studying Commercial Hairdressing at Coatbridge Campus took home a Gold medal at the World Skills Hairdressing Regional Heat in Belfast earlier this month and will now compete in the Hairdressing National Final in November.
WorldSkills UK is a ‘skills Olympics’ which sees students and apprentices from across the country competing in profession-based competitions, putting the skills they’ve learned on their courses to the test.
Lisa said that even ‘being given this opportunity meant a lot to me’.
She said: “I worked so hard by putting every ounce of my commitment and time I had into practicing but I was a huge bag of nerves the whole time! I never ever thought that I would have been coming home with a Gold medal’.
She went on: “I can’t thank my lecturer enough for picking me for such an amazing opportunity and having the faith in me to do it. I really couldn’t have done it all without her she has gave me so much faith in myself I never had before.”
Jacqueline Cuthbertson, WorldSkills Educator and Lisa’s Lecturer said ‘the World Skills competition is a massive confidence boost for Lisa, and all the students who took part. Lisa was competing against another 17 students, although nervous on the day she stayed focused and managed to maintain the timings we had practiced. She now has the self believe and confidence required to compete at the national finals in November. As a department we are so proud of what she has achieved.”
Jane Crowe, Head of NCL’s Department of Beauty, Aesthetics & Hair Design said: ‘Congratulations to Lisa, her Lecturer Jacqueline. and Academic Leader: Neil McMullen’.
She went on: “Lisa has brought not just immense pride to yourself, but also immense honour to NCL! Her remarkable success sets a shining example for your peers and serves as a reminder of the incredible heights that can be reached through passion and hard work. Well done Lisa and good luck in the finals!”