Exploring Relaxation Practices

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Join us to discover how exploring relaxation practices can better help you meet the challenges of modern life with learning a variety of techniques.

Exploring relaxation can help you look after yourself or others when you're feeling stressed, worried or anxious. Taking part and learning relaxation methods might not make what you are stressed or worried about go away, but it can give you a mental break from these feelings, provide coping strategies and help you refocus.

This course is aimed at improving the wellbeing of self and/or others. You will participate in setting targets and carrying out a plan for improving wellbeing and will review the planned activity. The review will include evaluation of how the activity has impacted on you own, and/or others personal wellbeing.





To have a keen interest in the Beauty and holistic therapies industry. Have the ability to work well as a part of a team and independently. Have awareness of peoples feelings and a caring personality.  

To participate in this course there will be the requirement of purchasing a kit at £50 relating to the learning needs of the course. Enjoy 12 weeks of learning to bring Positive Thoughts, Positive Interactions and Positive Actions! 


  • Relaxation techniques 
  • Introduction to Mindfulness
  • Visualisation 
  • Self care at home